5660 Loma Vista Dr W, Davenport, FL 33896
Residential property for sale

- Description
- This 4 bedroom pool home is located close to everything. Property is right by the Ronald Reagan parkway making it close to Orlando attractions and great shopping atChampons Gate or Hwy 27. Property has a large lot and would also make a great short term rental. Get your offer in today while you can. Mandatory Waiting Period:Offers will not be considered until seven (7) calendar days after initial listing period begins. Only offers from buyers utilizing federal funds under the NeighborhoodStabilization Program (NSP), municipalities, non-profit organizations and owner-occupants will be considered during the eighth (8th) through the twelfth (12th) calendar daysafter the initial listing date. Seller will consider all offers from all buyers beginning on the thirteenth (13th ) calendar day following the initial listing date. Please note: Buyer toverify ALL information on the MLS including HOA and CDD dues. Buyer also to verify all homeowners and deed restrictions.
- Property Details
Property Type: Single Family Status: Sale Pending Status Type: Foreclosure/Bank Owned Price: $ 117,999 Living Area: 1,599 SF Year Built: 1991 Buildings: 1 Added: 01/26/2013 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 - Exterior Features
Garage: Attached 2 Car - Note
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