1000 Wiggins Pass Road / 211, Naples, FL 34110
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Located in Lake San Marino - learn more about this mobile home community. Age-Restricted (55+) Community If you looking for a little place in Naples and don't want to spend alot of money or make a big commitment, you've found it! Permanent trailer with lanai on a large corner lot. Located in 55+ Lake San Marino Resort in North Naples with great access to beaches, restaurants and shopping. Resort offers social functions and activities and is pet friendly.Snowbirders, you can buy now, pay no rent till October 1 and have a place to return to next fall, via the Resorts"5/7"rental program. The"5/7"program is October thru April for $800/month during that period. For year rounders, rent is $645/month. Both plans include electric, water/sewer and lawncare. No deposit, first and last. No HOA fees. No hidden charges. Resort will require a background check.The RV toilet,refrigerator and water heater have been replaced with a residential flush toilet, a 10 cu.ft.refrigeratorand a 20 gal. electric water heater.Roof and gaskets recently serviced and watertight. Everything in good working order. Includes all appliances and furnisher. Immediate occupancy. Napels/SWFL living at minimal cost. Features include: Hard Panel Ceilings, Panel Walls, Storage Shed, Patio, Central Air, Electric Heat Included appliances: Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Available Price: $ 4,250 Building Size: 330 SF Buildings: 1 Added: 04/15/2013 Last Update: 05/02/2013 - Note
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