72 KELLY ROAD, Chaska, MN 55318
Residential property for sale

- Description
- Located in Brandondale MHC - learn more about this mobile home community. SUPER CLEAN. TWO BEDROOM. NEW CARPET. FRESH INTERIOR PAINT.VINYL SIDING IS TWO YEARS OLD. COVERED DECK. ONLY $10,900!AVAILABLE IMMEDIATELY! GARAGE. Features include: Garage, Deck, Thermopane Windows, Gas Heat Included appliances: Oven, Refrigerator, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $442
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Available Price: $ 10,900 Building Size: 784 SF Buildings: 1 Added: 11/17/2012 Last Update: 05/05/2013 - Note
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