2111 Calabash Cir, Little River, SC 29566
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Does a weekend get-away / hide-away sound mysterious and interesting to you? Do you like feeling like you've gone far, far away when in actuality you are just a city block's distance from the main thoroughfares and only a breath away from the hustle and bustle of civilization and the vices of the world? Well, even if only some small part of you sai ... d, "yes, I want to escape to my own santuary," then you owe it to yourself to come see this approx 950 sq ft 2 bedroom, 2 bath home built in the style of those traditional raised beach houses minus the driveunder parking in the secluded and exclusive Windjammer Village of Little River, SC. By just staying in for the weekend, you and your family can enjoy the amenites of the community, swim in the pool, party in the clubhouse, and go fishing on the fishing pier. But when you want to venture out, you can enjoy dining on seafood in Calabash, NC or shopping in the Little River Village or search for treasures in the local fleamarket. With a 10 minute evening drive, your adventure could take you shagging in Ocean Drive or enjoying the Alabama Theatre's One Show at the beautiful Barefoot Landing. But by day, a 10 minute drive could take you to a shopper's Paradise at the Tanger Outlet or to the wide sandy beaches of North Myrtle Beach, or pier fishing on the area's longest fishing pier. And when the sea calls, just head to Mineola Drive and the docks in Little River to board the big boats and go a gambling, whether that be with cards or betting on who will land the biggest marlin will be up to you. Come by Windjammer and find your escape and your adventure.
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Under Agreement Price: $ 99,900 Building Style: Ranch Year Built: 1984 Buildings: 1 Homeowners' association (HOA): yes HOA fees: 70.00 Utilities: Electric Added: 05/09/2013 Last Update: 05/20/2013 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 - Exterior Features
Parking: Yes Parking Spaces: 2 Sewer: Public - Note
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