1812 Appleton Rd, Elkton, MD 21921
Residential property for sale

- Description
- 1812 Appleton Rd is a ranch home on nearly ~~ of an acre, with three bedrooms , one bath, a rear porch, and a shed. This is a Fannie Mae HomePath property, it is offered "as-is" and can settle quickly. Contracts will NOT be renegotiated for any reason once accepted. All offers must include the FNMA Real Estate Purchase Addendum, the FNMA LBP disclo ... sure, and a mortgage pre-approval or proof of funds. This property is approved for HomePath Renovation Mortgage Financing. Take advantage of today's market conditions - great rates, great location, and a great price! Seller has directed that all offers be made using the HomePath Online Offers System at HomePath website Earnest deposit must be certified funds. FirstLook. applies in which only owner occupants may submit offers on this property.
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Under Agreement Price: $ 99,900 Living Area: 1,400 SF Building Style: Rambler Year Built: 1960 Buildings: 1 Construction: Vinyl Siding Utilities: Gas, Electric Added: 12/28/2012 Last Update: 06/14/2013 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1 Heating: Forced Air Air Conditioning: 1 - Exterior Features
Sewer: Well, Septic - Note
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