Cross Y Ranch, Black Canyon City, AZ 85324
Residential property for sale
- Description
- SECLUDED AND BEAUTIFUL CROSS Y RANCH is offering 97+ acres including the Headquarters for $6 million. The buildings consist of a fabulous 8112 sq. ft. main house with two separate guest quarters, elevator, pool, outdoor kitchen, and a 4 car garage. Second home is a 3841 sq. ft. luxurious Santa Fe style hacienda. Two additional ranch houses and four manufactured homes are also included. Three horse barns, tack, feed, hay storage, sheds, equipment shops, and arenas. Three acre pond supplies water for the green lush irrigated pastures. Airplane landing strip. Ranch has incredible water rights, Qwest telephone and APS electric. This property could be a B&B, dude ranch, cattle ranch, or a private retreat. Entire ranch can be purchased including 1400 acres deeded, 18,096 BLM leased acres with 250 head cattle allotment allowed. Located north of Black Canyon City in the Agua Fria National Monument, and Agua Fria Canyon with magnificent views! Call for details.
- Property Details
Property Type: Farm/Ranch Status: Available Price: $ 6,000,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 10/09/2013 Last Update: 10/18/2013 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 5 Bathrooms: 5 - Note
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