4301 W Ranch Road 1431, Kingsland, TX 78639
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Commercial - Kingsland, TX Formerly Dos Rios and Purple Pig. This commercial site is located on busy RR 1431. The site has ample parking, detached covered parking, drive thru capabilities, over 700 sq. ft. covered patio with wrought iron fence around it, and much more. The 3 lots are over .8 acres and could be used for multiple business applications. The restrooms have been remodeled. Large walkin cooler is located inside and there is significant indoor storage available. Construction is metal and wood. Dining room equipment, most of kitchen and walk in cooler are sold as part of property.
- Property Details
Property Type: Income/Investment Status: Available Price: $ 299,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 07/10/2015 Last Update: 08/29/2015 - Note
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