Par.7 Granite Park, Sonora, CA 95370
Residential property for sale
- Description
- This parcel like its adjacent parcels is heavily wooded. Come prepared with hiking boots and a camera for the views. The highest of the tree parcels, the views and sunsets will be spectacular once you clear some of the brush. Lots of beautiful rock out-croppings to provide a unique setting for a custom home that is private but 15 minutes to Sonora and the Junction shopping center. Skiing at Dodge Ridge 45 minutes, Pinecrest for winter and summer revreation 35 minutes. Columbia airport 20 minutes. Well will be required and possible engineered septic.
- Property Details
Property Type: Lots and Land Status: Available Price: $ 100,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 11/15/2013 - Note
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