5371 Lambert Highlands, Citronelle, AL 36522
Residential property for sale

- Description
- Mobile Home on 6.6 acres off of Celeste Rd. HUD OWNED - SOLD AS-IS WHERE IS no warranties express or implied. Offer submission is the responsibility of the Selling Broker who must submit any and all offers through the HUD HOME STORE web site at www.hudhomestore.com. Equal Housing Opportunity. FHA case number 011-625441, HUD Owned, SOLD AS-IS, and is insured. Offer submission is the responsibility of the Selling Broker. Foreclosure subject to the Alabama Right of Redemption Laws.
- Property Details
Property Type: Mobile/Manufactured Status: Available Price: $ 28,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 11/16/2013 Last Update: 11/27/2013 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 4 Bathrooms: 2 - Note
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