874 Wildwater Lane Homestead 2, Almont, CO 81210
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Homestead Site 2 is located at the West end of the ranch and steps from world-class fly fishing on the Taylor river and the 3 mile "dream stream" that runs through the ranch. This homestead overlooks the Taylor River and offers great views downstream and the adjacent National Forest. Wilder on the Taylor is a unique and special place. There are two miles of world-class fishing on the Taylor River, as well as pristine trout ponds and winding streams throughout this 2,100 acre ranch development adjacent to 2 million acres of National Forest land. As private fly-fishing water is increasingly difficult to procure, Wilder presents a rare and distinct opportunity to own an undivided interest in one of the best fly-fishing properties in the western United States. Homestead owners enjoy full-time ranch management, a fly fishing pro and recreational concierge, four appointed cabins for owners personal use or for their guests, a main camp area with luxury eco lodge to gather, relax and share stories about the adventures of the day. Your family, friends and clients will enjoy fishing, hiking, mountain biking, horseback riding, hunting, and relaxing in this mountain paradise. An opportunity to create family memories for generations. Detailed information available at www.WilderColorado.com
- Property Details
Property Type: Lots and Land Status: Available Price: $ 2,050,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 01/25/2014 - Note
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