120 E Battle St, Talladega, AL 35160
Residential property for sale

- Description
- 4 of the 6 units are currently leased on a month to month basis. With ample parking and rear access, this property is offered at a reasonable price for the market area. Each unit has separate heating and cooling, bath room facilities and individual access. Formerly know as "Buy Wise Pharmacy", the largest of the units boasts 5928 square feet +/- (per owner). Built of concrete block, steel beams and concrete floors the structure's roof is Intec/Permaglas material. This property has 262 feet of road frontage with an estimated daily traffic count of 15,220 per Alabama Department of Transportation. This property is offered "as is" condition.
- Property Details
Property Type: Single Family Status: Available Price: $ 339,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 11/08/2013 Last Update: 03/04/2014 - Note
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