4305 Ferdon Boulevard, Crestview, FL 32536
Residential property for sale
- Description
- A premier 18+ acre development assemblage yielding approx. 900' on Hwy. 85 at Interstate 10! Commencing at the corner of Hugo Lane and Ferdon Blvd. South (Hwy. 85) and stretching over .15 miles to the South, this highly visible site offers multifaceted development opportunities, not the least of which could include select outparceling. This is one of the only contiguous tracts of commercial land of this scope available for sale in this area, so it presents a unique opportunity to eventually service the robust market of Crestview, as well as catering in some form to the launch of Airbus' $600 million aircraft assembly plant in Mobile, Alabama, which will rely on a supply chain of product, services, and personal stretching across the aerospace corridor--which includes Crestview! With
- Property Details
Property Type: Income/Investment Status: Available Price: $ 4,495,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 05/17/2014 Last Update: 06/14/2014 - Note
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