31 IRVING LN, Natchez, MS 39120
Residential property for sale
- Description
- 31 Irving Lane Presiding over a promontory overlooking the mighty Mississippi River, The Briars is a truly unique property of extraordinary beauty and significance; an antebellum home built circa 1818.An exceptionally fine example of a Southern Planter's cottage, this landmark gem is attributed to renowned Natchez architect Levi Weeks. Spanned by an eighty-foot-long front gallery, the spacious home displays twelve-foot ceilings and a wealth of unparalleled hand-carved millwork. The majestic fifty-foot-long drawing room showcases a Palladian arcade anchored by twin staircases. Capturing breathtaking river views; the magnificent nineteen-acre grounds have been planned and executed by recent owners during the last three decades. Captivating gardens and antique garden statuary highlight this peaceful retreat. Beautifully furnished with fine antiques, the main house is a private residence with twelve bed-and-breakfast rooms located on the grounds in dependencies including the circa-1784 schoolhouse, the recent guest house, carriage house, dining pavilion, and in the breathtaking Briarvue building perched on the edge of the bluff. While renowned as a bed-and-breakfast inn, The Briars could easily revert to a one-of-a-kind private estate or corporate retreat. This important offering provides a rare opportunity to acquire a magnificent estate of singular distinction.
- Property Details
Property Type: Income/Investment Status: Available Price: $ 3,500,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 07/07/2014 Last Update: 07/07/2014 - Note
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