2950 Cumming Highway, Canton, GA 30115
Residential property for sale

- Description
- Prime Commercial Site directly off Hwy 20 in Canton less than a mile from I-575; near new site of Northside Hospital and heavy shopping / restaurant area; Total acres is 12.73. (1.42 acres on corner is zoned NC, two 2.41 acre lots fronting Hwy 20 is zoned NC and GC, 6.41 acres behind those lots currently zoned R-80.) Corner of Hwy 20 / Scott Rd has LIGHT access and has recently been zoned commercial. PERFECT SITE FOR GAS STATION, DRUG STORE, STRIP SHOPPING CENTER, OFFICE OR DOCTOR'S PARK, MEDICAL BUILDINGS, WAREHOUSE/STORAGE, ETC. Best time to get in !!!
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Available Price: $ 1,300,000 Year Built: 2013 Buildings: 1 Added: 12/05/2013 Last Update: 08/10/2014 - Interior Features
Heating: None Appliances: None - Note
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