5805 Royal Ridge Drive #D, Springfield, VA 22152
Residential property for sale

- Property Details
Property Type: Condominium Status: Available Price: $ 1,425 Buildings: 1 Added: 06/24/2015 Last Update: 07/13/2015 - Zoning: 370
- For Sale: Yes
- Price: $195
000 - Association Fee: $178
- Assoc Fee Freq: Monthly
- Assmt Payment Freq: Annually
- Ownership: Condo
- Documents Avail: Restrictions
- Disclosures/Reports: Prop Disclosure
Lead Based Paint - Section: 3B
- Interior Features
Bedrooms: 2 - Additional Information
- Lot Features
Zoning: 370 For Sale: Yes Price: $195,000 Association Fee: $178 Assoc Fee Freq: Monthly Assmt Payment Freq: Annually Ownership: Condo Documents Avail: Restrictions Disclosures/Reports: Prop Disclosure, Lead Based Paint Section: 3B - Financial Considerations
For Sale: Yes Price: $195,000 Association Fee: $178 Assoc Fee Freq: Monthly Assmt Payment Freq: Annually Ownership: Condo Documents Avail: Restrictions Disclosures/Reports: Prop Disclosure, Lead Based Paint Section: 3B - Note
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