0 Black Bear Road, Dahlonega, GA 30533
Residential property for sale

- Description
- GEORGIA HI-MOUNTAIN VIEWS from this 13 acre tract above Dahlonega. Distant from town but good access, you'll pass by some rusty vehicles and old chicken house (not functional) on the way in but boy is this property nice! Scenic timber covers the tract and a small gurgling branch tumbles over the rocks.Close at hand is the main line of the Blue Ridge Mountains lifting up to over 4000' inelevation and there's a flat ridgeline on which to perch your cabin or home to see them. Some tree cutting would open up a view that'll make you say "Wow"!!
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Available Price: $ 154,700 Buildings: 1 Added: 12/05/2013 Last Update: 11/02/2014 - Note
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