128 Church Creek Drive, South Fork, CO 81154
Residential property for sale
- Description
- The most beautiful lot in Beaver Mountain Estates. Walking distance to the private fishing pond; enjoy private access to Rio Grande National forest for hiking, hunting or exploring; as you cross over the creek on the decorative bridge, you are accompanied by the beautiful sounds of waterfalls on either side of you; you will cross the bridge in to a relaxing setting of mature trees, rock formations, privacy and relaxing by the creek. Sit next to the waterfalls while reading a book & dangling your feet under the soothing cascades of fresh mountain water (corny, huh!). Go to sleep at night to the soothing sounds of running water that is year round. Wake up to 2 beautiful small waterfalls full of sound and lots of wildlife that are in this area. Quick drive to the best skiing, golfing and river rafting that the outdoors have to offer. This is a fabulous lot just waiting for the perfect buyer
- Property Details
Property Type: Lots and Land Status: Available Price: $ 132,500 Buildings: 1 Added: 12/29/2014 - Note
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