TBD Routt County Road 80 & 56, Hayden, CO 81639
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Red Hawk Ranch is a big game enthusiast's dream. The 1040 acres are perfectly located in the migratory corridor of the second largest elk herd in Colorado, the Bear????????s Ear herd and is surrounded by millions of accessible USFS, BLM and State acres. Red Hawk Ranch is also known as Sanctuary Hill, a popular stop in the elks???????? fall and spring migration and at certain times of the year, thousands of elk inhabit the ranch. Located approximately 40 miles from Steamboat Springs, 15 miles north of Hayden and 5 miles south of California Park, Red Hawk Ranch is in the center of Northwest Colorado????????s premiere big game area. The ranch also includes mule deer, antelope, bear and grouse species. The varied terrain and vegetation consists of rolling hills to Dry Fork of Elkhead Creek bottom land including cottonwoods, willows, aspens, mountain oaks, sagebrush and grasses. The ranch is located in Colorado????????s game unit area 441. Big game licenses are available for the "over the counter" and draw tag hunting licenses and the ranch meets the criteria for Colorado????????s Landowner Priority Program. For winter season activities, the ranch is the perfect starting point for snowmobiling or backcountry skiing to California Park, Bear's Ear or over to the Hahn????????s Peak areas. Conveniently located to Steamboat Springs and the Yampa Valley Regional Airport, this ranch is ideal for the outdoor recreation buyers.
- Property Details
Property Type: Lots and Land Status: Available Price: $ 1,500,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 05/20/2014 Last Update: 03/27/2015 - Note
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