120 W Arctic Ave, Folly Beach, SC 29439
Residential property for sale
- Description
- This home is directly across from the beach and one block from the bustling Center Street making shopping and dining in walking distance. It is unique because it is zoned residential as well as commercial. There is a small one bdrm one bath apartment on the ground level, but the main house upstairs has three bedrooms and an open common area with porches on the front and back. The property fronts on both streets and could be upgraded and used as 2 rental units or commercial on the ground and residential on the top. This is a classic beach house from the 1950's that was occupied by the owners for 65 years. If square footage is important- PLEASE MEASURE. Agent is one of the estate holders. Drive by....Call....Make an offer
- Property Details
Property Type: Single Family Status: Available Price: $ 475,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 08/31/2011 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 1 - Exterior Features
Garage: Detached, Off-st Prkng, Off Street Garage Spaces: 1 Parking: Yes Parking Spaces: 1 Roof: Asphalt Shng - Note
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