0000 State St, Mertztown, PA 19539
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Federal Style Mansion operated as a Bed and Breakfast for over 25 years. The main house has five guest rooms, private innkeeper quarters, designer kitchen, guest dining room, living room/library, meeting room, and more in the approx. 7400 SF of space. The inn keeper~~~s quarters consist of master suite, full bath, office, and family room. A courtyard separates the main house from a 1700 SF cottage with three additional guest rooms. The large renovated barn has a two room guest suite in the lower level; the 2100 SF upper level has facilities to host showers, weddings, or parties. The grounds include paved parking, recreation areas, fruit trees, gazebo, and pergola. The Bed and Breakfast operates year round and serves guests for major area festivals/events, college reunions, family visits, business trips, and the nearby ski resort and amusement park. The real estate and business are being offered turnkey. The spacious property may potentially be used as a multi-generational residence.
- Property Details
Property Type: Single Family Status: Available Price: $ 925,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 09/04/2011 Last Update: 09/04/2011 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 10 Fire Place: BrickFirePl, FamRoomFireP, LR/GRFireP - Exterior Features
Garage: ParkingLot, 3+CarParking, NoGarage, Drvwy/Off Str Roof: PitchedRoof, Shingle-Asbestos, Metal - Note
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