, Disney, OK 74340
Residential property for sale
- Description
- You now have the opportunity. The owners are selling this gorgeous resort on the shores of Grand Lake O The Cherokees in NE Oklahoma. Over 46,000 acres of water to play on, and since we are in the foothills of the Ozark Mountains, there is beauty everywhere you look. This money making resort consists of 58 acres with five luxurious existing B&Bs. This is a top of the line resort with over 2,000 feet of shoreline. Price is $12,500,000 and owner will carry with a $6,500,000 downpayment with an interest rate of 6% per annum, interest only with a balloon note in ten years of $6,000,000. Once the marina and bed and breakfast resort is completely developed, the total annual income would be over $7,000,000 per year. What a rate of return! This resort includes a marina that has boat slips, as well as gas pumps and convenience store... marina's 28 acres that could be developed into a water park, outlet shopping for the ladies, arcade and bumper cars for the kids, as well as bumper boats, as well as a fine dining restaurant overlooking the beautiful lake. You could boat up to the restaurant or drive to it. way is easy. If you want us to help you with a business plan that will bring the purchase price to you in just three years, call or email us today. If you want the chance of a lifetime, you can email us at or call 918-837-1132 or 918-837-1067. Serious inquiries only... you want to see additional pictures,(including aerials of all the land as well as the gorgeous lake) please email us.
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Available Price: $ 12,500,000 Buildings: 1 Added: 09/22/2011 Last Update: 11/02/2011 - Note
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