710 WASHINGTON AV # 405, Miami Beach, FL 33139
Residential property for lease
- Description
- Heart of South Beach. Centrally located with shopping, clubs, restaurants, parking, public transportation, Deco Bike, and The Beach all within your reach! * Spacious Short Term Vacation Rental * Bright + Cheery with Natural Sunlight * Full Kitchen and lots of closet space * Secure Building with Fob! * Laundry Facilities and a Roof Top Sun Deck The very popular Washington Avenue provides you with all the neighborhood services and amenities you need.
- Property Details
Property Type: Condominium Status: Available Price: $ 1,400 Year Built: 1976 Buildings: 1 Added: 02/06/2012 Last Update: 02/10/2012 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 1 Bathrooms: 1 - Note
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