9500 OLD CUTLER RD, Miami, FL 33156
Residential property for sale
- Description
- Located on scenic Old Cutler Road this spectacular property is nestled on 2.5 acres of rare natural Florida hardwood hammock & rain forest. Existing home is 5b/4.5b with a home office, libraries, formal living & dining rooms & a family room with glass walls & ceiling that frame the lush tropical grounds. Secluded behind a natural coral rock wall & gate, this natural treasure is minutes from the best private schools, houses of worship & close proximity to Matheson Hammock, Fairchild Gardens & Biscayne Bay.
- Property Details
Property Type: Unspecified Status: Available Price: $ 4,550,000 Year Built: 1955 Buildings: 1 Added: 07/23/2011 Last Update: 04/08/2012 - Exterior Features
Garage: n/a - Note
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