4104 Mayo St., Brooksville, FL 34601
Residential property for sale

- Description
- Located in Clover Leaf Farms - learn more about this mobile home community. Age-Restricted (55+) Community Great location backing up to the power line easement -- great for exercising your pet. This home has a vinyl florida room, side screen porch, carport and utility room. Features include an eat-in kitchen, fully furnished, neutral colors, and a Sell-It-Today Price! You won't find too many quality doublewide homes in our area that are fully furnished, updated, and well kept for this low a price. You'll love the updated appliances and clean front florida rrom with vinyl windows. . What more could you ask? Once you've met Clover Leaqf's entrance requirements of credit and background checks, this home can be your retirement dream for a very low price. Contact us for more pictures and information. This price includes the Club Car golf cart with curtains! Features include: Hard Panel Ceilings, Panel Walls, Carport, Storage Shed, Central Air, Sun Room, Electric Heat Included appliances: Garbage Disposal, Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $457.00 Contact: Terry Hedden Hedden Real Estate, Inc. Phone: (352) 799-6155 Send an email to this seller License # BH/1016653/1
- Property Details
Property Type: Mobile/Manufactured Status: Available Status Type: For Sale By Owner Price: $ 10,900 Buildings: 1 Added: 10/31/2012 Last Update: 11/25/2012 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 2 Bathrooms: 2 - Note
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