37811 Chancey Road, Zephyrhills, FL 33541
Residential property for sale
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- Description
- There is a front porch for just relaxing and visiting with friends and a storage shed. This well kept home has a warm welcoming feel and gives you a great amount of living area and storage. There are built in cabintes in most every room, plus some additional cabinets being left by the home owner. The bonus rooom is large enought to be used as a second bedroom for guest with stage galore and the huge Florida room is great for intertaining guests. There are three exit doors in this home. Located in a great park, called Southern Charms, RV Resort. Features include: Drywall Ceilings, Panel Walls, Storage Shed, Gutters, Shutters, Cathedral Ceiling, Ceiling Fan, Central Air, Electric Heat Included appliances: Microwave, Oven, Refrigerator, Dishwasher, Clothes Washer, Clothes Dryer Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $333, Utilities: $75 Contact: Larry Lorows Phone: (813) 715-4647
- Property Details
Property Type: Mobile/Manufactured Status: Available Status Type: For Sale By Owner Price: $ 35,500 Buildings: 1 Added: 08/24/2012 Last Update: 12/06/2012 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 2 - Note
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