1418 30th Way, Space 9, Salem, OR 97301
Residential property for sale

- Description
- Located in Orchard Mobile - learn more about this mobile home community. Wonderful home just listed in all age community!Interior of home has been freshly painted and boasts all new carpet, linoleum and kitchen cabinets.Kitchen will have a brand new stove installed prior to move in.Exterior features a large carpeted covered porch and storage shed.Community is conveniently close to schools and businesses. Make it home today! Features include: Storage Shed, Patio Included appliances: Oven Monthly costs include: Lot Rent: $420 Contact: Fritz and Janice Suehs Orchard Mobile Phone: (503) 390-6239 Send an email to this seller
- Property Details
Property Type: Mobile/Manufactured Status: Available Status Type: For Sale By Owner Price: $ 6,500 Buildings: 1 Added: 08/02/2012 Last Update: 12/15/2012 - Note
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