682 Simms/Cascade Rd, Simms, MT 59477
Residential property for sale

- Description
- $282,000 central Montana home + 20 fenced acres. Split level, built in 1995. The home is well built and properly maintained for its 17 year old age and split level genre. Functional utility is average with adequately sized rooms, ample closet space and efficient layout. The structure meets functional and aesthetic expectations within the confines of this suburban - rural neighborhood and price range. Barn, shop, sheds, corrals. Perfect horse/4-H property. Extreme privacy, spectacular scenery. Unique geological formations surrounding the area. Unlimited hunting, horseback riding, and hiking opportunities. Fifteen miles of county maintained gravel from I-90 leading to Cascade, Great Falls and Helena. There are three ski areas within two and a half hours travel time. Seven miles of county maintained gravel from MT 200 leading to Simms, Great Falls, Missoula, Glacier Park. Approximately forty miles to Great Falls either way. 47.484088 latitude, 111.936186 longitude.
- Property Details
Property Type: Farm/Ranch Status: Available Status Type: For Sale By Owner Price: $ 282,000 Year Built: 1995 Buildings: 1 Added: 12/09/2012 Last Update: 12/19/2012 - Interior Features
Bedrooms: 3 Bathrooms: 2 - Note
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